While surfing on the net today, I discovered a website with different types of "catchy" openings for cover letters. One of the recommendations, obviously suitable for overconfident applicants who target the same type of recruiters, was to start your letter with "You should be crazy not to take me!"
Yeah, right! I quickly closed that page in an attempt to clear my mind from that contagious thought. Truth is every time I start writing a cover letter this idea just gets stuck into my mind, making me believe that I am the only possible candidate who fulfills the requirements and is available immediately. The ugly truth is - I am not. There are at least a couple of more candidates, who if not better, are equally good as me (you). Thinking that "they" should be crazy not to take "you" is wrong on so many levels, so where should I begin?
First, confidence is one thing. Overconfidence is something totally different. It blurs your assessment of where you stand, what your skills and qualifications are and what they need to be. If you start writing a cover letter with that idea in mind, you will most likely fail to identify your weaknesses. By only pointing out how you "fit" the requirements you neglect your vulnerable points. And I honestly believe that mentioning your weaknesses in a positive way in the cover letter is a must.
Second, overconfidence can backfire. HR people are different. You never know what kind of person will look at your application. So in case you are not familiar with the person or organisation your applying for, be careful with bold (opening) lines.
Third, if you're not swearing by the power of positive thinking, my advice is to be moderate in your expectations. This way actually being invited for an interview will be a surprisingly good event.
Last but not least, I've heard already a couple of people applying for jobs they are not qualified for, say the same thing. So even if this thought slips into your mind, never say it out loud. You cannot imagine how ridiculous it could sound.
Fingers crossed!
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