Few month ago someone asked me in the comments whether I've made some progress? Well, I did! Happy to say that I've found a job, which exceeded my expectations. But the interesting part is how I got the job.
I've just started a job with a family company in a small village and desperately imagined my future without progress there when one day I received an invitation for an interview in Brussels. Didn't pay much attention to it since I wasn't allowed to take days off from my current job. So I explained that the only way I could do this interview is through Skype in my lunch break! Surprisingly enough they agreed! So here I was, spent almost an hour on Skype, in my car, interviewed for a job to a company I didn't even take a look at the website.
I had this habit to prepare myself carefully for an interview, to take a look at different sections of the website, read at least a few newsletters, get acquainted with the people I expect will interview me! Not this time!
Completely unprepared, totally comfortable with that, very confident from the position of someone who has nothing to loose, I did the interview. Few days later, again completely unexpected, they asked me to meet the Board of Directors in Brussels! Well, that deserved asking for a day-off!
The interview went well. My only impression was that there was a guy looking mean during the interview, one posing difficult questions, and one taking notes and nodding all the time. Wasn't sure who has more weigh in the decision but now, after six months on the job, I figured out that the mean guy is absolutely not mean :)
But in the end, what really go me the job wasn't my fantastic interview or CV. It was the references from all my previous jobs in Brussels. Apparently, they called all my previous supervisors, and they were all very, very positive about me. I am not much of an ass-kisser but it's good to know that your efforts have been noticed, that your talents are cherished and that you made a positive contribution.
So the moral of this tail is: No need to kiss asses when you can just be yourself and keep up the good work!
Good luck with your job hunt! And stay tuned for more tips and tricks!